KTN version 0.2.0 - Continuation

KTN returns after 1 and half months of radio silence lol, been working super hard on this update and i finally wrapped this up just now. (inb4 follow up update bc i fucked up somewhere) To commemorate getting this done,  I updated all of the promo screenshots as well; for new readers as well as returning ones, lotta new changes this time around. I promise it was worth the wait.

Lemme go ahead and apologize first because it completely slipped my mind that I had made a devlog specifying the release time of 0.2.0, which was *not* mid-july lmao, to say the least.

as for the changes, there's quite a bit.

  1. Day -1 added  - the story is now continued past the prologue by one day, a little over 10k words long.
  2. Menu image updated - the old one probably looked better to some but simplicity is more to my tastes personally. plus its easier to manipulate and more in line with the subject matter and also I was getting real sick of the old one lol.
  3. Ryoko sprites updated and added - corrected some of the lineart of the old one and recolored the whole thing. and added like 5 more, 3 variant poses as well as hairdos (unused in game atm), 1 new outfit using 2 variant poses and a whole new one with 2 variants as well. no bias whatsoever.
  4. Prologue updated - two major changes; updated the conversation between Sasaki Shin'ya and Arcelsher Ao so it's a little bit longer and frankly more in line with what I had in mind initially but cut it for some reason. do read it even if you're already past that point. and added a small choice (like I did in 1.1.1) for the first option in the first set of choices (Go to school.) These aren't the only changes but the more noticeable ones, I suppose.
  5. Point system added - another reason for you to restart the game from the beginning lmao, it's not hugely important for now but added relationship points for later on. to elaborate, if you make the "correct" choices, points will be added in favor of certain characters and you'll get exclusive endings and events based on those points and vice versa.
  6.  Extra handrawn CGs - for new content as well as old. I took a page from tsukihime remakes book for the overall presentation (especially those borders), it's quite apparent in the updated Ao and Sasaki convo but I employed similar methods throughout, especially in the new content
  7. Quick menu added - I decided to add it back for PC as it seemed to have be an issue for mac users and some windows users, you have to hover at the bottom of the screen for it to show up. 

I'm definitely forgetting some but those should be the big ones, yeah. I'll keep some stuff a surprise. (and totally not bc I can't remember anything else atm)

some small previews for the actual changes.


idk how to preview this without spoiling, go READ!!





this should say plenty



an example where points are used

6. best you see them urself, i hear some think CGs are kind of a treat best served fresh, though i've used like 2 of the new ones in the screenshots tab lmao.


I put my entire soul into this update, hope you guys enjoy this one. I have no idea when the next or if the next continuation will drop, life's kinda messy atm but I'll keep you guys updated moving forward.

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoy KTN!


Kill-the-Night-1.2.0-win 697 MB
Aug 26, 2023
Kill-the-Night-1.2.0-mac 703 MB
Aug 26, 2023
Kill-the-Night-1.2.0-linux 681 MB
Aug 26, 2023
Kill-the-Night-1.2.0-and 726 MB
Aug 26, 2023

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